Scramasax, I don't have the time to do it right now, but I will respond to those examples. Its probably going to take me two hours, but I need to be social at some point this week, plus my ex-girlfriend is offering to buy me dinner and I never refuse a free meal.

However, I found that exact website myself while searching for beneficial mutations. I grabbed a random example and used it as proof of how evolution within kinds happens and is twisted in a way to show evidence of change to and from kinds.

Now I suppose I'll have to go through each and every one. Notice the website never says what kind of evolution is happening here. They simply use the term evolution. But I'll get back on that in a little while.

Unfortunately, that site is somewhat technical, which isn't really a problem for me (only because its not insanely technical). However, it will require me to explain the way things work on a basic level, which will get long winded, because its not a quick explanation like they would have it seem. You don't have to be an expert to know this stuff, but it takes more than passive high school knowledge. So its going to take a while. But how about this. I promise to respond to each and every one of those claims. Although the only really compelling ones are where animals go from single cell to multi cell, or new metabolic pathways are gained. However, I'm going to have to get knee deep in technical fun. So be patient.

There is an explanation, and actually the explanation is rooted in some pretty interesting biological science, about why these conclusions (not the observations themselves) are wrong. You'll get a chance to learn about one of the most interesting organisms (in my opinion) ever. Mostly because it defies the current evolutionary thinking of how to classify animals. But that will require more research (to provide you with accurate information) as well as a more thorough and layman-friendly explanation of exactly what is happening during these 'evolutions.' The rest of the explanations are much easier than that.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 04/06/06 21:42.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."