Like I said, I really can't come up with a good argument to refute the possiblity of multiple gods. I think I've actually been stumped :/.

My only possible argument is that.. creative differences might've stifled the universe's creation as a normal, logical universe.. just like they do when we develop games.. but then it's not impossible for agreements to be reached as to how the game should be.. so I suppose the same is true of any creative team project including our universe.

I don't believe in "Gods"...that is I don't think that anything which violates the physical universe can exist.. I don't believe in magic, or magical things.. but I do believe someone or several someones are responsible for creating the universe that is.

I guess there really is no concrete way to be sure.. this does sort of get me to thinking.. ponderance wise.. (I dont really depend on a God to live my life or to feed me what is right and wrong to do..but it IS interesting food for thought.)

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