
Well science cannot see, feel or otherwise analyse whether or not you have a personality...does that mean your personality is a non-real entity?

Indeed, personality is a word we use to describe behavior, so it is not a real entity. You are confusing abstract ideas with concrete phenomenon.


There have been X-Rays showing cancers and after prayer the cancers are no longer found on the X-Ray, is that enough of an observable fact for you?

Yes it's an observable phenomenon. But since science is concerned with the material world, we have to look elsewhere for the cause. You are confusing correlations with causes. Science by definition can only seek natural explanations, and is therefore irreconcileable with the supernatural. Science can neither study, prove the existence of, nor refute supernatural phenomenon.

Religion is by definition the belief in the supernatural, and is thus not the realm of science--and never the twain shall meet. The medieval synthesis is long dead.

If 1000/1000 cancer patients prayed and were healed, it is a meaningless correllation.

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