
to celebrate our new Developer Network we started a contest called "Make something totally useless"!

You win. You've just made the most totally useless thread ever kidding .

Umm, I have this amazingly useless skin that I made ages ago:

OOPSIE, saved it in JPEG .

No need to say it, it is useless. The only I can think of that it wouldn't be useless for probably is this 'useless' competition?


- Things from which you think that they can win
- Creative things, no empty Pictures or Applications with an empty dialog only...
- Post only things you made yourself
- Don't post blood/core/sexual content
- Don't forget the forum rules

I think my useless image complies with these rules .


Creative things, no empty Pictures or Applications with an empty dialog only...

Yea, I was actually thinking of doing that but then I thought well there wouldn't be much point.

In Regards To Kohji's Preceeding Post:


even if it looks a bit bloody

lol I think it's the very bad JPEG compression which has caused bleeding of the colors .


Tozzy, your one is accepted,

Thanks Kohji . Umm, did I win then? kidding again .

By the way, is it acceptable to post multiple entries? I have a few better ones than the above image but, I'll post them (if multiple entries are approved) near to May.