is proud to anounce that we are hosting a FREE TeamSpeak voice chat server for developers here to use.

We will open the server for full public access in a few days, in the meantime we would like to hear from developers any suggestions for specific areas, for example C-Script and so on. So while this IS a contribution, from indiglow to the community, it would be helpful if you could offer some ideas so we can make the service as useful as possible.

We hope this will give developers here a chance to communicate easier, and if it proves popular we see no reason why we will not maintain this service indefinatly.

We are also looking for volunteers to be granted moderator status to help look after the rooms on the server, hopefully some one with multi-lingual talent, especially German/English would like to help out.

Thanks, and look forward to TALKING to some of you very soon

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss