so we have to deal with some sort of ancient copyright issue?! I am shocked.

Every single religion can be connected to another. They share a lot if they where "founded" at the same time.
Christianity has a big impact from the jewish religion. The islam is based a lot on the story of jesus.

The only sad thing is though all of this religions have so much in common and share the same ideals of a perfect world people still find enough reasons to cut your head off and claim some ancient writings to be their justification.

I dont doubt evolution and so far no creatonism theory was stable enough to make me think another way.

So i am curious as well, if someone has some good points he would like to share about this i would also like to hear them. Though critics need to be allowed and statements like "it is so because its the ways its ment to be or planed or is" aint very valid.

The oldes builings found that i know of is 8000 years old. Some cave paintings on walls found show stellar constilations that if we dont doubt the stellar science and our day physics are older then 30.000 years.
Some stone relicts found are dated to be older then 100.000 years. Based on the material found and the current ice age at this time they can pretty much determine the date those "tools" where made.
From there going over to the tectonic powers and the fauna and flora spread arround the globe all of this makes a lot sense.
Why do we have some sort of animal species in one part of the world and its nowhere to find in another part, even though its the exact same climatic zone or even better suitable for them.
Why do animals share so manny comon genetics/loooks/physics and have so visible degenerations and mutations and are still different. The kangoroo looks like a huge rat. From the biological view it also can be a rat without any problems. It could even act like a rat and noone would wonder

If a superpower was capable of creating such stuff as he wanted why does everything looks so connectable.

there is not a single unique creature living on this planet that doesnt share anything with other living beings (dna, structure, physics aso)

this are for me big indicators for one theory: all live developed from some source

if anything could be created with unlimited knowledge and power a simple result would be a biger ammount of variation.
Compare architecture from today and from 4999 years ago. Knowledge change construction methods. Thus unlimited knowledge would either allow perfect constructions or a huge variety.

Models, Textures and Levels at: