Nice blog ulf,

Should help alot of people out.

To answer your question here.
"after some testing i realised that i have to put a sleep(1) bevore the level load, so that the on_server command is properly triggered when the client joins the game. iam wondering why nobody else or locoweed had this problem yet?"

I also had that problem at one point or another. I think it has been varying somewhat depending on the GStudio version. I am surprised it wasn't still in there ( a sleep() before level_load() ), but it probably started working in version A6.30 without so I took it out. I usually leave those lines in, but commented out with a warning. Either that or it was always working until after A6.30 and I asked Conetic about it then, but I have ran into that problem at sometime. It doesn't hurt to have it there anyway, so it might as well be there no matter what the version.

Also, I like how you are explaining how you are adding whisper, etc. Very good stuff.

Nice blog, keep it up,

And feel free to use/change anything from the original tutorial to use to help the community, like your own expanded tutorial on what you are doing. I have no problem with that if you want to do something like that.

Last edited by Locoweed; 05/03/06 00:51.

Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games