hey again loco,

i just typed a 1000words reply and it got lost due to a "invalid form" and me not saving it bevore posting... so ill sum up what i wrote.

in my movement code, the server sents every 4 positions the position of the hostplayer to the client and once a client joins his actual position. this goes like this:


as you can see when the client at x reached position y1 it receives. it has to wait 1/4 second till the position y2 is incoming. so it will just stand there waiting. i cannot change the first initial sent update i think because a client could join at any time thus receiving a position from the host wich is like 1mm next to the starting position.

i was however able to get the animations correctly i used the .z coordinate of the hostplayerposition vector to set it to 1 to indicate when the state switches to mode_stand at the host so the clients do this too after they are very close to the last received position.

now you pointed me in the direction of dplay_latency... i can only guess that you mean i move the clients host entity very very slow to the first received position so that it reaches this position not until it gets the second one and so on...
but i doubt this will solve the problem. imagine the client receives starting position of the host at 0,0 then the next position is 0,0.003 due to the send algorithm i use. so the client will move to 0,0.003 and wait there till the next position comes in. moving such a short distance is probably bad. i think i try to let the client only move when the first position is var away from the actual position... lets see how this works.

this is the update code i use to send positions, its placed in the hosts movement of his entity in the while(1) loop at the state MODE_WALK


vec_set(hostplayerposition, my.x);

// send pos to fake every 4 sec
timer += 16 * time;
if(timer >= 64)

hostplayerposition.z = 0;
timer = 0;

so if iam completely wrong please point me to the right direction master

thanks again!