11.05.06 just a quick update today, i got a damn cold today i hope it goes away or even gets better tomorrow. thus i just did some code reorganizing. i renamed all functions and created a lot of local entities like described above.
so far it works great okay you got a delay on the client but its shorter than in warcraft 3. and iam able to move the client as well as the server player.

anyways i found a thing wich i think is a bug. shorevietam is experiencing the same. the average_bps from the F11 debug panel seems to be buggy. it has problems updating. when iam using 2 send_var the average bps keeps climbing up to no stop. with one it stays around 40 but when i use 2 send_vars constantly its getting higher and higher - this cant be. iam not using more instances of a function. and iam only sending 2 vectors 4 times a second. so it should be around 40-50 i guess but its not. it goes unlimited high climbing slowly. iam pretty shure i have no bug in my code.
that shorevietam is experiencing the same in his mplayertests is interesting too.