yes there are better modellers out there, of course. But even then it is infuriating when you export a model from a certain format, only to find some key polygons not attactched to the mesh, randomly flipped normals and such. Quite a few times I realized it was my other modelling app that screwed up, not MED.

The key thing here is that MED is 100% compatible with the engine, and it CAME with the engine. Plus alot of people wishing to get their feet wet in some 3d game design get their first modelling experience in MED. I worked on an A6 project for school with 3 other students, and it was their first time using a 3d modelling app. When our class started going into Max 8, we were ahead of the game concerning fundamentals in modelling. And I think the majority of the users here are new to game design, correct me if Im wrong.

I dont think Id like to see MED go. It has a warm, buggy place in my heart