
having looked at your content requirments i would like to point out, all meshs should be prove to be your own work, this is due to some people at turbosquid selling meshs from scifimeshs and claiming them as their own, what safe gaurds do you have in place to prevent such theft?

Great question! And one, I see after reviewing, that was not fully developed and answered in our current developer info page or developer FAQ. Those pages will be appended with our violation policy in the next update to reflect the answer below.

Given the nature of the online marketplace the number of proactive steps we can take to insure content authenticity is limited, but we will be monitoring content against other markets and a list of all offending content will be kept for comparison purposes and future reference. Our reactive measures should anyone violate the content agreement are as follows:

Any violation of article 1 of the content agreement will result in the developer’s items being removed from GameKnack and the developer being banned from the GameKnack Developer network. Violation of articles 2 and 3 will result in the item not being listed by GameKnack but the Developer is encouraged to correct the issues, if possible, and resubmit the item.
Any suspected volitions may be reported to Support@GameKnack.com and the matter will be investigated. Repeated bogus and unfounded claims by any user will result in the user being removed and blocked. GameKnack appreciates your efforts in helping us keep our marketplace honest and reliable.


A6 Developer, Contractor and Content Producer. See our digital goods for sale at www.GameKnack.com Ask about our contract services for models, scripts and level design at www.MentalAbyssStudios.com