Hello World and 3DGS Users,

a long time is gone since I have made projects with 3DGS. And also in Future I will not do any 3DGS Projects with exception of Sylex 4.0. At the Moment we search some guys wich want to stop using 3DGS either and want to use another 3D Engine for our Team. Specially we are searching for programmers but we will also view any other entry.

What we do. We want to develop an 3D Snowboarding Fun Game. Comic Characters, Tricks and Weapons similar to the known Snowboardkids on the N64.

At the Moment we are a Team of five peaople.
1 Programmer ( Hey it's me )
3 3D Artists ( eventually you know them. Josef Brandl and CHB2 , Remo
1 Sound and Audio Artist

We search for all.

At the moment we develop our own tools to creating games. Espacially we are developing a new fast LOD Terrain Technique on Binary Basis wich will also included in Sylex4.

Here are the Shots:
All shots are in Development

Ground layout of the PSE-Editor:

You see the level Sky, Lighting and Fog Properties.

Entity creation Dialog of the Editor with Preview also with Shaders.

The Editor is highly customizeable to the specific workflow of the artist here a shot of the easy docking system also with preview.

Selection of an Scenenode ( Objectsposition and Scenegraph -hirachical - point ) is shown by drawing the bound box of an objekt.

Selection of the Mesh itself by a specialized Popupmenü System we call quadmenü. There are several selection modes in the editor you can use at the same time.

Selection of an SubMesh SubObject directly in the editor to change it's materialsettings.

In order to the customizing system we have created an skinable editor to get you, your favorit look and feel.

We have also made an small trailer 2MB wich shows the current selection techniques can be downloaded there.
Selection Trailer *.ace download

If you are interested in working together with me and the other great guys. let me no and post here.