Hallo zusammen
Ich habe mir heute ein Menü Tut. runtergeladen um mir halt ein Menü erstellen zu können (logisch oder?! *g*).
Das Tut. war auf Englisch aber ich habe versucht alles genau so zu machen wie es vorgegeben wasr.
Jetzt habe ich bereits dreimal alles Kontroliert aber keinen fehler finden können, trotzdem läuft es nicht!
Vieleicht weiß ja hier einer weiter...
Hier mal das Skript:

// A5 main wdl
// Files to over-ride:
// * logodark.bmp - the engine logo, include your game title
// * horizon.pcx - A horizon map displayed over the sky and cloud maps
// The PATH keyword gives directories where game files can be found,
// relative to the level directory
path "C:\\Programme\\GStudio\\template"; // Path to WDL templates subdirectory

// The INCLUDE keyword can be used to include further WDL files,
// like those in the TEMPLATE subdirectory, with prefabricated actions
include <movement.wdl>;
include <messages.wdl>;
include <menu.wdl>; // must be inserted before doors and weapons
include <particle.wdl>; // remove when you need no particles
include <doors.wdl>; // remove when you need no doors
include <actors.wdl>; // remove when you need no actors
include <weapons.wdl>; // remove when you need no weapons
include <war.wdl>; // remove when you need no fighting
//include <venture.wdl>; // include when doing an adventure
include <lflare.wdl>; // remove when you need no lens flares
include <ultima_panel.wdl>;

// The engine starts in the resolution given by the follwing vars.
var video_mode = 6; // screen size 640x480
var video_depth = 16; // 16 bit colour D3D mode

// Strings and filenames
// change this string to your own starting mission message.
string mission_str = "Fight your way through the level. Press [F1] for help";
string level_str = <Alfatest.WMB>; // give file names in angular brackets

// define a splash screen with the required A4/A5 logo
bmap splashmap = <logodark.pcx>; // the default logo in templates
panel splashscreen {
bmap = splashmap;
flags = refresh,d3d;

// The following script controls the sky
sky horizon_sky {
// A backdrop texture's horizontal size must be a power of 2;
// the vertical size does not matter
type = <horizon.pcx>;
tilt = -10;
flags = scene,overlay,visible;
layer = 3;

// The main() function is started at game start
function main()
// set some common flags and variables
// warn_level = 2; // announce bad texture sizes and bad wdl code
tex_share = on; // map entities share their textures

// center the splash screen for non-640x480 resolutions, and display it
splashscreen.pos_x = (screen_size.x - bmap_width(splashmap))/2;
splashscreen.pos_y = (screen_size.y - bmap_height(splashmap))/2;
splashscreen.visible = on;
// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground
splashscreen. visible = off
bmap_purge(spashmap); // remove splashscreen from video memory
//now this funktion will be called from the menu panel
funktion main_strt()

// now load the level
// freeze the game
freeze_mode = 1;
panels_off();//added for"ultima_panel.wdl"
// load some global variables, like sound volume
//load_status();//use musik_level & sound_level vars
// display the initial message
// initialize lens flares when edition supports flares
// use the new 3rd person camera
move_view_cap = 1;
// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;
// client_move(); // for a possible multiplayer game
// call further functions here...

// The following definitions are for the pro edition window composer
// to define the start and exit window of the application.
TITLE "3D GameStudio";
SIZE 480,320;
BG_COLOR RGB(240,240,240);
FRAME FTYP1,0,0,480,320;
// BUTTON BUTTON_START,SYS_DEFAULT,"Start",400,288,72,24;
TEXT_STDOUT "Arial",RGB(0,0,0),10,10,460,280;

/* no exit window at all..
TITLE "Finished";
SIZE 540,320;
BG_COLOR RGB(0,0,0);
TEXT_STDOUT "",RGB(255,40,40),10,20,520,270;

SET FONT "",RGB(0,255,255);
TEXT "Any key to exit",10,270;

//INCLUDE <debug.wdl>;