Ein fehler den ich grad sehe:

function main()
// set some common flags and variables
// warn_level = 2; // announce bad texture sizes and bad wdl code
tex_share = on; // map entities share their textures

// center the splash screen for non-640x480 resolutions, and display it
splashscreen.pos_x = (screen_size.x - bmap_width(splashmap))/2;
splashscreen.pos_y = (screen_size.y - bmap_height(splashmap))/2;
splashscreen.visible = on;
// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

splashscreen. visible = off; //HIER FEHLTE DAS SEMIKOLON

bmap_purge(spashmap); // remove splashscreen from video memory