Hmn, okay, once again:

Basis of the story:
The player and her sidekick, the flying weasel are in a garden in an enchanted
forest. The first cut scene will feature the horrible, utterly despicable,
completely evil wizard, who will come into the garden and turn some
cute furry animals into slavering monsters. He will then say something utterly
evil and despicable and run away or disappear. In the garden also is a sign post
with two signs on it. "Eat these mushrooms," and "Don't eat those mushroomS."
Eating the good mushrooms does something to make the player more powerful,
eating the bad ones makes something funny happen, like the player turns blue,
grows donkey ears or is hit by an uncontrallable attack of the giggles.

Just concentrate on the one scene.

I'm looking for cool, funny and amusing. Zanny, otre, fantastic welcome. Good English not essential, but certainly appreciated. I hope you know the difference between their and there, and can do fancy stuff like paragraphs.