Foreword: Thanks for the totally on-topic reply, i don't think you missed anything.

A note about arrogance: What I meant here was that religions always assume that we are the chosen people, a great race which the creator watches over, we have supernatural elements that return to him - but nothing else does - and all that. I meant that this was arrogance on the part of our species when we are in fact tiny and insignifigant on the grand and glorious scale that is the universe. It's pretty much the opposite of arrogance to accept we are so tiny.


Confusion about me saying the big bang being commonplace and whatnot

Anyways, what I meant in my prior post was that what we call 'the universe' and assume is the extent of what exists, is probably part of something far larger than we can imagine. Basically what we think of as the universe is a supercluster of clusters of galaxies, expanding in all dimensions from a central point. Maybe there are tonnes of superclusters. This would be part of the infinite universe argument
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A) An infinite universe in all dimensions

You mean a universe that infinitely large? And infinitely old? Or am I mistaking what you mean?


However, this is a whole lot of speculation. Which is fine, because I speculate that my God exists, but speculation shouldn't be considered scientific, although now if you slap the word theory on speculation it automatically becomes true and unquestionable. But, anyway, that's my response to this. It COULD have happened this way. It is physically possible, but I see no valid reason to assume it was. Especially when we haven't been able to observe cosmic evolution in the least. If the universe is infinite, then it was created that way, with no beginning, which would maybe imply we were created by an intelligent designer.

I don't know if I missed anything, but there you go.

I see no valid reason to assume a god.

Anyway, you're right - it IS all speculation, and I hope everyone realizes that for people on our level, all of this is.

In any effect we have some arguable evidence for stellar evolution, the lifecycles of stars, and expansion of the supercluster which we see through red shift.

But these are just as debatable as dating methods and whatnot.

So yes, I Suggested infinite time and space. Entirely because it's physically possible. This is my reason to believe it versus intelligent design. As to anything being created infinite, I believe this statement is a contradiction in terms, and would put your creator beyond infinite.