
"If God created everything ..." wowow, hold on, there was NOTHING remember ... Nothingness .. no god , no nothing, just empty spaceless-ness, so how did God somehow show up there?

Well, anything anyone says on this is conjecture. But I meant a physical nothingness. God isn't a physical being, even if He can manifest Himself in the physical universe. So technically I don't think a physical nothingness means no God.


Well, why doesn't our theory satisfy you then?

Because yours says that there must be a natural explanation. This is going to be repetative, but there are two natural choices. An infinite regress of natural events (what created the thing that created the other thing....?) which I think okham's razor might apply to because there would then need to be a cause for the infinite causes, and then an infinite amount of causes for the infinite causes, so on and so forth. Or there's option B, in which case you believe absolutely nothing (no energy, no space, no time, and of course no matter) somehow transitioned into the physical universe. The latter of the two options can immediately be dismissed, because if time doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist for eternity, unless something causes it to exist.


but explain to me why would it be a 'regress of natural events'

If you agree that the second option as stated above is impossible, then that means you CANNOT accept the universe coming from absolutely nothing.

So...In that case no matter what explanation, or theory on a pre-universe state, you give me, I can always ask, "Where did that come from?" You'd have to have a cause. But then what caused that cause? It would have to be an infinite regress of causes, otherwise you would have to say that it all came out of nowhere. And that takes us back to the problem of the second option.


why not simply '*poof* and the universe came into existence without cause, which started the (chain)reaction of events that made life possible and that caused what we see around us now'?

Because before the 'poof' there wouldn't be time. In the period where time doesn't exist, it will continue not to exist for eternity.


I don't want to get into the relativism debate either, but how can you even deny that it works this way? You can't proof absolute truths, so why keep dreaming about them still? However you can disproof something by falsifying.

Really, it all relates to which idea is more egocentric (theism or atheism). The only problem is, if one system of belief (religion) is more egocentric, does that make it false?


You've slightly missed my point with this. We couldn't possibly comprehend him by reading some definitions that don't even come close to what he is, because it's not in his language, THIS makes him lie about himself automatically through the bible.

Ah, but where in the bible does it claim to reveal everything about God? He really tells us very little about Himself. So He reveals only what we can understand. We can understand that He is creative, that he is absolutely just and holy, and that He is loving. I don't see why that would be a lie.

Maybe we're not on the same page. So let me ask, what in the bible do you think is a false portrayal of God? You don't need an exact verse, but just something you might remember off hand. I can always try and look it up, or I might just know what you mean without research.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."