
This is interesting but there is not enough knowledge at the time to expain this perfectly.

We have enough knowledge to know this: Time has existed forever, in which case we would still have an infinity to go before we ever show up on the scene (we don't exist), or time didn't exist at some point, in which case it will not exist for an eternity (and we're still screwed).


I personally can imagine that all is an eternal circular flow of elements. Sometimes energy gets compressed and explodes again and all starts again. So time changes for every object in this circulation. There is simply no beginning and no end. Every end is a new beginning.

That's because you're an atheist.

Thermodynamics beats you again.

You can be an atheist, and deny that we were created, but at least admit that you have no reason to believe this.

But seriously, there was a beginning, and there will be an end, whether natural or unnatural. The logic is pretty simply. But even if the universe has existed forever, why does it even exist at all? Don't bother answering that, because it hasn't existed forever.


God's god is called Double-God. Double God's name is Double Double God, and so on. It just keeps going on and on like that forever.

Okham's razor says otherwise. No need to hypothesise on multiple God's when one God will do.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."