Yeah you're absolutely right. That was regretfully a cheap stab at you, and wasn't very good form either, so accept my apology-- it was my 8 o'clock over-caffeinated sarcastic manic flip-out.

But that you thought my suggestion of fostering awe of the cosmos is "not caring about anything"?

You really think that is not caring??? Why not?

I'm convinced that whatever circumstances (sure you can call them god too) put us here in reality wants us to explore and create and search for meaning, we are meaning-seakers, and that we must put now expand our search beyond the same 2000 year old pre-enlightenment primate mythologies into the new realms being discovered by mathematicians, scientists, philosophers, physicists, astronomers, astrophysicists and biologists.

If I were god, I sure would be annoyed to be worshipped by masses of people who did not look for a greater truth and did not delve deeply into the vast universe of creation. I would want them to prosper, grow and expand to their maximum potential, to become God-like themselves and not to fall into group-think, or blindly obedient to a small set of rules.

Isn't that growth and search for meaning the purpose of our being?

If not, what do you think god wants of you and why?

Let's role-play that you are god, and try to answer this question: What you would expect of humanity and why?

Last edited by Jetpack_Monkey; 07/10/06 20:59.