
Have you ever looked up at the Milky Way? You can see a heck of a lot stars on clear night away form outdoor lights. Back then they didnt have any artifial electric lihgts and air polution..

If this is a first response, then its a good sign of the weakness to come in the rest of your arguments.

Even on a clear, light pollutionless sky, it certainly would not seem that there are more stars than sand on the beach.


Obviously there always is day and night(execpt at polar latitudes)... and not everyone who knew this fact thought the Earth was round.

Read my source. The verse talks about people sleeping and working at the same time which is the important aspect of that verse. Other people knew there was day and night, yes. That much is obvious by observation. But without knowing the earth was round, you wouldn't assume it would be day for some people and night for others.


The ancient Greeks figured that out too,

Your source? It would be important to know when, amongst other things.


That someone could have a thought that was somewhat near the truth, even without seeing it first? That's called reasoning...and frankly not a very profound leap either.

Ok, compare that to the knowledge the Jews had at this time, and then compare that to what everyone else thought about the earth at that time. You're looking at this from a modern viewpoint. The best way to see this would be through their eyes.


However, this is almost certainly NOT TRUE.

Except they compared the genetics of Jews and Arabs and found they were descended from the same 'man.' So why is it certainly not true?


and even if it were, how can that be prophetic? Maybe they just had good record keeping.

Its not actually prophetic. The bible doesn't directly state the relationship, but this helps validate the genealogy of the bible which, if you extrapolate what's written, places the Jews and the Arabs as descending from, I believe, Abraham.

Now we just have the science to back it up.


I'm not sure "everyone else" thought rain came from the gods.. where do you get this idea from?

The idea that rain is formed when bodies of water evaporate into the clouds, is extremely specific considering the scientific knowledge they had back then. In fact, the bible specifically calls the evaporation, "little drops" or "mist".


such the Greeks agains, knew better.

Again, a source including date and time would be convenient.


anyone can tell that air has some weight...just fill a leather skin up with air, and light a fire underneath, the air will rise, then when it cools off, the air sinks.

Which I'm sure they did all the time back then. And even if they did, I'm sure they would have assumed it was because air has weight.


Uhuh, and Nostradumus predicted lots of stuff too.

Except he didn't/doesn't and his supposed predictions are blown way out of proportion and have more to do with misunderstanding. However, take this for instance.

Comparing a garment wearing out to the universe wearing out (as the bible does) is quite ahead of its time. In fact, the idea that the universe is infinite was a pretty recent view. Its difficult not to make the connection between what we know for sure to be true because of science, and what they knew to be true through God.

Compare that to the ripoff of Jewish belief, Islam. The Quran says semen comes from the chest. This is what happens when someone is just pulling stuff out of their butt. They make incorrect assumptions, and they certainly won't consistently get scientific principles right thousands of years before we know for sure it really is right.


Even a few evidences are way more than creationism that provides simply no evidences at all.

I will not respond to all your other quotes that sound completely out of logic to me.

Ok, that's fine that you believe that. But my point was that you can't say with certainty that creationism has no evidence, because you don't know all possible evidences. That doesn't mean creationism does have evidence, but it means you need to 'check' your comments about what you think you know.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."