
the general problem when talking about prophecies from written books starts when people ignore the fact that the ones who killed jesus read that stuff as well.

If you honestly think that (assuming for some crazy reason these people would want to) Jesus' killers were TRYING to fulfill prophecy, then you're reading a different bible than me. In fact, the Psalms connection wasn't made until Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" There was no reason for them to make the connection.

Furthermore, I doubt the Romans cast lots for his clothes (a common practice) specifically to fulfill Psalms 22.

It would take more chance for these prophecies to be false (assuming these things actually happened) than it would for someone to accidentally predict these things.


the entire texts of such books are not more then presumption and guessing. If bent enough or you accept enough things the texts can fit to something you need.

I've already said you can calculate reasonable and unreasonable probability. Math disagrees with you. For the last time: your only option is to claim that all of Jesus' life was made up to fulfill prophecy.


if jesus wouldnt have been nailed to the cross the interpretation of the phrase "pierced my hand and feet" would be something like "they tried to stop me from doing gods work and spreading it arround the believers". simply because pierced hand stand for the unability to continue to work and the feet wouldnt allow you to go arround.
Either by real punishment, an assassination attack or the unability to move or do by some sort of arrest or the fact that his followers quit and so on and so forth.

It specifically talks about the hands and feet while opening with 'my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' while predicting His clothes would be divided up amongst his mockers as well as predicting his circumstances (mockers, etc).

So your interpretation is inadequate.


allowing room for everything, interpreting the happened to the texts and puttin all of this on hear-saying and the fact that most of this was written by religious motivated people later on is not a good basement for a fact.

Well, that's your reason for not believing it. I would have to accept that these people put up with persecution, abuse, prison, and ultimately death just to spread a lie for their own amusement. Then I would have to throw out all of the prophecy in the Old Testament and undermine the entire bible. That's why I find it a pretty good way to base my beliefs.


for example the koran also mentions the story of jesus and his death. in their version he doesnt rais from the dead.

By this reasoning I can prove the koran wrong. How? Because the bible says otherwise. But this, like your statement, just begs the question. Contradicting beliefs aren't very good proof.


And one more thing i totaly disagree with you is the fact that jesus is a must for a true believer.
because this is not what religion is all about.

What does this mean?

So this Sai Baba guy or whatever had some christ-like claims. Which, if anything, gives Jesus more credibility. Everything is beginning to happen exactly as He said it would.

I don't base my faith in Jesus on His miracles, by the by.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 07/27/06 23:10.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."