
Love is likely ultimately derived from pair bonding, a valuable asset for species that must care for young for extended periods of time. Similar close relationships can often be observed in other animals, notably bird species like albatross.

Make sure you don't talk like that on a first date. LOL

But seriously, the love issue is very interesting, but not even necessarily for disproving evolution. It demonstrates a really big paradox in mainstream culture. Think how many people believe in evolution and that the alternative of evolution is pure ignorance - but then think how many of those same people believe in Love with a capital L, Human Dignity with a capital H, or Morality with a capital M.
I think it's interesting that many people accept evolution, but absolutely refuse to accept many of its implications in their practical lives.

And to keep on topic, I also think that evolutionary explanations need to be given for examples of love that are not advantageous to reproduction and survival.