Creationism = trying desperately to fit reality into the book of Genesis.

I can't stand it when people say "evolutionists", instead, you should say "thinking people who examine and analyze reality using the scientific method"

If you disagree with the scientific method, then you probably should stop taking medication, using computers, driving automobiles, using electric lights, astronomy and physics, because they are all derived from science.

Cretinists take and take and take the fruits of science yet complain when it conflicts with their religious agenda, the desire to take Genesis word for word.

It's the same myopic sub-mentals who wanted to kill Galileo, poisoned Socrates, throw Oscar Wilde into prison, too ignorant to realize that science is the lens with which we regard our universe with awe and respect.

When fascism hits America, zealot fundamental christians will be marching proudly at the front of the parade waving their flags and praising jesus, eager to re-structure universities and threatening professors to promote their anti-intellectual movement.