show me this quantitative analysis results that says I originate from a monkey.. (perhaps you might.. but I dont), and I might believe.

What I will and wont buy about evolution:

I will buy: that man comes from earlier forms of man, according to his envoronmental need for change.

I will not buy: that man comes from reptilian origin. What darwinists tend to link are fossils with minor similarities to a handful of extreme similarities. Sometimes this works where it's obvious.. such as grouping canidae into the same phylum, or categorizing similar birds.. but it's quite qualitative.

Until you sit me in front of database containing genetic analysis that walks me through the hundres of billions of years it wouldve taken for such radical mutations (and not billions) and the dramatic changes on earth that made them neccesary I cannot believe such loose nonsense.

I'm sure this same debate happened the last time there was a clash of scientitific scholary (probably when the earth was still believed to be flat or when it was believed that negroids were subhuman somehow..) but it will all come to light, perhaps in a few more techological strides.. once again.. not now. As much as you might want to be definitely right today, it's still only extremely sophisticated guessing.

What we can agree on is that all physical animal evolution is in direct response to changes in their envoronment. You tell me what change(s) might've required this wild animorph to take place.. and why modern chimps have seemingly gotten the short end of the stick evolutionarily.. and why they still exist if they are a past form of us. Maybe they are genetically our closest match..but that just says their five opposoble fingers and toes and humanid bones makes them closer than any other animal.. it doesnt really say much if the next closest are dogs..

The genetic difference between man and chimp is a significant one.. not as significant as man and whale.. but one which makes them primate and us human.

When this is proven into law, then I may have to buy it.

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.