
Creationists believe that humans and dinosaurs lived together at the same time! Yabba dabba doo!

From creationists.org
The Bible clearly teaches that humans and dinosaurs (called "dragons" in the past) were created on the same day. One must engage in hermeneutical back flips to interpret the Bible in any other way on this point. It also goes on to describe interactions between humans and these creatures.

I think creationists make scientologists look relatively sane.

Ummm. How about you read up what your raving about, before posting. You just make yourself look stupid.

And spike, where did you get that lovely piece of info? On some geocities hosted site? Your post shows that you have not done ANY research on the topic.

I like using the term evolutionists ok... Did any of you evolutionists read the creationists arguments? Did you do some research on what evidence we have? Or are you just ranting on the stuff you read on the berkeley website? (which is a hilarious site btw.)