
What does God have to do with evolution or abiogenesis? Well, I guess I can see what that has to do with abiogenesis. But abiogenesis doesn't magically become possible just because I can't prove God exists.

Typical response. You answer to a question with another question and you say very much while saying nothing at the same time. I am so tired to read those long texts that say nothing at the end. I have no idea where you get your energy to daily post so much stuff while saying nothing.

At the end I would be happy when you dismiss Matt_AufderHeide so that he can go back to design the Sphere2 plugin. This would really change the world of so much users here. But responding to Irish_Farmer seems to be like running into a big stone wall.

Just my own way of thinking since I admire the Sphere plugin way more than this discussion here

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