
It will be easy to pick a single scientific paper and tell how stupid it might be.

This isn't a single scientific paper. This is the whole evolutionary community's belief on whale evolution.


I am sure there are even wrong statements.

Only in the sense that assuming animals evolve is wrong.


But evolution theory is much more than only comparing hyena's to whales.

This is just to showcase that evolutionists don't have to be believed, just because they're 'mystical scientists with infallible brains'. They have stupid ideas too.


And if a theory is wrong then it will be falsified in the future by new evidences and better founded theories.

Evolution can't be falsified. I wouldn't get excited if they found a human fossil next to a trilobite, because they would have some explanation for it I'm sure.

Like saying trilobites must have survived until recently or some such.


That is the way of science. It is not fixed and can adapt to better knowledge.

So then evolution isn't a sure thing. Then why do we keep hearing evolution is a 'fact'?

Scientists aren't weighing out evidence, they're reading the evidence from the perspective of evolution.


That is a big difference to your approach.

My approach has simply been to show that evolution is a stupid theory.


Because of that it will survive creationism in the future. And do not forget that creationism is only an american phenomen and hopefully will stay in your country.

Its all over europe and australia too. Sorry to say it, but creationism isn't gonna go away. There's a large and growing portion of the scientific community that questions evolution, within which are included atheists. The only option at this point is for evolutionists to marginalize creationists, and use the courts to make sure there is no questioning of evolution.

What's so bad about creationism anyway? We're not trying to get evolution out of the classroom, we just want the evidence that contradicts evolution to be taught too, and the theory of intelligent design ALLOWED (not forced) in the classroom.

One of the arguments that got evolution into the American education system was that the kids 'must hear all theories to gain a better understanding.' The result of hearing all theories is that now only one theory is heard, and any questioning of that theory will lead to a lawsuit. Pathetic.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."