

Then this evidence is enough to show that there was never a time where dinosaurs and men lived togethter. That is easy to realize.

There are bones in the ground. They aren't labelled with a date or a convenient photo and bibliography to tell us how they lived or when they lived. So we scientifically know that they lived....and died.

Infact, they are labeled with a time/date and science has already discovered how to make this visible and understand it, but you seem to not want to understand this, hence your 'these are just bones in the ground' comment.

When talking about more absolute dates, our dating methods might indeed still be a bit flawed, however relative dating gives enough evidence already, so that's why absolute dating errors are not important for these kind of conclusions.

And still, those error ranges are getting smaller and smaller with every development step the dating methods go through ...


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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