

I may as well explain the problem. I doubt after I do that my actions will make any more sense than they do right now, but its a complex, personal problem so that's expected.

I'm shy.

May not sound like much. But to anyone who experiences it, its a painful, debilitating condition. I need to spend more time bettering myself, which means less time on this and other forums, for instance.

For myself personally, it takes a lot of energy to undo my shyness. So maybe that explains things a bit better, maybe not. Either way, my decision still stands. And while I miss the discussions, I'm making progress and that's not so bad. Plus I've had more time to devote to my guitar, which I've been slacking on lately.

Until next time...

It's definately a good idea to work on that, the world is a harder place to be when you are shy. I guess we know why you hold on to your believe so much now, or?
Anyways, your motives for your faith in God are quite irrelevant to some extent, good luck and I wish you all the best! Be sure to drop by sometime, because eventhough sometimes the debates get kinda fierce, know that you are one of the few that actually dare to debate at all and especially dares to defend the creationist point of view,



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