

Relations and coherences can be discussed and lead to agreements, and people can base decisions and agreements and laws on it. And the value of these agreements raise with the respect of the participants who acts in accordance with these agreements. And the value of such agreements decrease with each violation which happen without having consequences for the violator.

What does this have to do with relativism?

Very much, although not much with the insulting reduction of its meanings and consequences of someone who has his concreted believes but less or no experiences in collaborating with atheists and no experiences in solving social conflicts.

Your imputation is that relativism is something which makes anything arbitrary - and that is wrong. That's what my post was about.
For an example, 'fairness' is a moral product of competiting individuels, not the product of any religion.

Another point:

You are implying that the opponents of your form of christian fundamentalism are "moral relativists", but when they begin to argue, you say that their arguments are results of an absolute value. What is not generally true. If you tried to take the position of others serious, you should take in account that that what you call 'absolute' is simply a constant within the coherences of relativism.
To avoid a new misunderstanding: 'constant' is meant as a stable 'variable' or 'long-range''variable' within socialrelationships.

Another (wrong) implication of your view on the so called "moral relativism" is, that it is necessarily individual, that it is an isolated decision principle of single human beings, but it is indeed a social based principle with the experience of human beings of their social constitution. And one 'moral' decision like that of Hitler has consequences in 'moral' decisions of others.

To take an example of a comparable evil, look at Stalin. He indeed established his power structure. This history is a bit too complicating to analyse its moral relations in short. But, why didn't one of the mightiest man within this power structure, Michael Gorbatschow rely on this power structure furthermore?