Let me sum up here what I've tried to say, in a less... elaborate... way.
1) Morals exist
2) Everyone creates their own morals based on their needs, social pressures etc.
3) Even the worst acts in history were either almost definetly seen as morally right by the perpetrators

Here matt would say: morals are not created for the individual! they are created for the species/society

And Irish would say: Eloquent post, but you didn't answer whether there are absolute morals, or relative. Remember if you pick relative hitler was a good guy.


Relative morals.

Well, of course.

If there is one thing we've found out about this world, it's that the only constant is that there are no absolutes, no constants in this universe.

What about mathematical constants, you ask.
They almost unimaginably slowly change. At least one of them does. A very fundamental one. So why can't the others? It's just recently been discovered, but it's true that the fine-structures constant is changing inexorably slowly.


The thing is, I'm not saying hitler was right. I'm not saying mussolini was right. I'm certainly not saying Bush is right. I'm saying that nothing is inherently wrong OR right. It's people who decide what is right and what is wrong. We all agree hitler was wrong. Therefore he was wrong in our frame of reference. That's all that really matters.

Besides (jokingly) maybe some alien race is looking at us right now, the destruction we wreak on the world, and figuring anything that kills millions of us is morally right?