
Relativism holds that all truths are relative to the people holding them. But in order to accept that belief, you have to believe the absolute truth that all things are relative. Don't you think this is contradictory.

My philosophy for a lot of things is that in life, it's not 1, or 0, it's something else. Not black or white, not even gray. Maybe cyan. I can of course see the use's of digital reasoning, but anyways... enough musing.

We're talking Moral Relativism.
we're not debating that all truths are relative. I say that all morals are, since everyone builds their own.

It's quite different from what you suggested - what you suggested I supported in fact - there.

Even if I was to say all truth is relative, it wouldn't be so much that there's a rule per-say that there are no hardcoded truths, it's a lack of hard-coding. Just like, a stupid example, in a society that has no law against wearing red, there does not have to be a law that you must wear red.

Same goes for moral relatavism. Which isn't effected by your logic paradox anyone since the idea that all morals are relative is not a moral in itself.

As a side note, please don't continue with this truth being relative buissness. I really don't want to go there, since it gets into complicated philosophy involving definition of selves, objects, actions, and time - even if i were to say that it is fundamentally true that I just hit the e key on my keyboard... so lets stick to morals, since that's the threads topic