I find the most basic and unshakable form of morality is the simplest.

For example.. the ten commandments (oh I know I am I gonna get it for this but):

Thou shalt not kill

This does not contain any ambiguity. It does not say..thou shalt not kill...humans... or thou shalt not kill.. animal. It says Thou shalt not kill.

Meaning.. Dont kill...anything which lives.

This is because.. you wouldnt want someone to kill you..right? it's painful and permanent.

The best way to evaluate what is right and what is wrong is to truly put yourself on the recieving end of the questionable infraction..and evaluate whether or not you'd like them to do that infraction to you, you being the victim or recieving end of immediately subsequences.

The next time you ask.. "I wonder if there are acceptions to " thou shalt not kill/steal/ covet someones partner" because its so short a more that it appears elastic.. ask yourself.. if you were a bug, other man, other woman..would you want to be killed/ stolen from/ or have someone take you husband/wife.

If your answer as applies to yourself contains no ambigiuity, neither should your position about the activity whos morality youre questning.

We read into things and try to find elasticities and loopholes because its our nature to lean toward the wicke,d but in reality, simple right and wrong are not open to interpretation.. as they woulndt be open to interpretation if you were the victim or subject to be "questionably" wronged.

I find myself doing all sorts of wrongs.. on a daily basis sometimes.. but thats not because I dont know theyre wrong, or have to think about it.

Sadly I operate on a different system..one which includes good..evil..neccesary and unneccesary evil . These are personal things tho. I know right from wrong in most everything I do..but the above is where choice plays a part in me believing one thing and doing another .

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.