
You're really going to tell me that you think some cognition comes from outside the brain?

No I'm not telling you that. Why do you insist on missing the point?

I'm saying that the brain being the seat of consciousness is not at all "obvious".

How do you know for sure it is? Because of what you "hear around"? In reality it probably is, but then, I dont know of any brains living on their own outside a body, so we cant really say for sure. Some anecdotes from multiple organ transplant patients suggest some personality traits may be related to other organs.

Anyway, since you dont agree with the scientific method, for all you know the brain could be a lump of coal.


About the cartoon and resistant bacteria: this is indeed a case of natural selection. It's not a case of ANY bacteria being resistant, its about specific strains and species that develop a resistance over time. This resistance is apprently selected in each generation, until the whole strain becomes resistant. Explain how else the species could become resistant across the board, except for natural selection.

Here again you display a basic lack of ability to come to grips with a logical argument that goes against your deeply helld beliefs. This is what fanaticism is.

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