
No I'm not telling you that. Why do you insist on missing the point?

I'm saying that the brain being the seat of consciousness is not at all "obvious".

Maybe not obvious to people who don't understand a thing about science. The brain is the central nervous system's processor. What else does the thinking? Our livers?


How do you know for sure it is? Because of what you "hear around"?

Well, I suppose I could call scientists conspirators, but that would be pointless. I'd rather make a scientific argument, but there is no scientific argument against the idea that the brain is what causes our consciousness.


but then, I dont know of any brains living on their own outside a body

That's irrelevant to whether or not the brain causes consciousness.


Some anecdotes from multiple organ transplant patients suggest some personality traits may be related to other organs.

Ok, so personality may be relative to the loss of organs (or possibly its the events that lead to the loss?), but that doesn't mean consciousness is.


About the cartoon and resistant bacteria: this is indeed a case of natural selection. It's not a case of ANY bacteria being resistant, its about specific strains and species that develop a resistance over time. This resistance is apprently selected in each generation, until the whole strain becomes resistant. Explain how else the species could become resistant across the board, except for natural selection.

Some bacteria already exist in these populations that are resistant, so the ones who aren't just die out. There's no evidence to suggest these resistances are change. Except in the rare case where a bacteria lost a receptor, or lost the ability to control enzyme production. You're not going to convince me that a germ turned into a man by telling me about all the structures its lost. That's not evolution.

I've already explain this in another thread, so I'm not going to go into it any further here. You can look it up in the other thread.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 06/23/06 23:22.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."