
consciousness is an illusion made by the brain

Um, an illusion provided to what? Our brains? But then what's the difference? You say we're not conscious, we just think we're conscious. But since I'm aware, whether its by an illusion or otherwise, what does it matter?

What you're trying to tell me is that my consciousness isn't real. But since I experience it every single day, you're going to have to do better than your poor illusion reasoning.


Uuhhm, hate to disappoint you, but no. Infact, scientists do not even agree on this subject. Everyone seems to agree though that the brain processes a lot of impulses (practically all, except those 'reflex impulses') and also makes sure an 'appropriate' action will happen.

I would like to know which scientists are unsure about whether or not the brain is conscious.


Yes, but that's what your brain makes believe .. It's still just a reaction.

I'm not saying it isn't just a reaction. Its a complex set of electrical reaction something-or-others. The point is that it exists, regardless of whether or not its a reaction. What you're trying to tell me is that my brain is only convinced its conscious, but I don't quite get the difference.


We don't know yet exactly where 'ideas come from' yet, but if it's mathematically and chemically speaking simply the result of an equation, then what exactly makes us different from a robot?

If free will is the result of chemical and physical laws, then its still free will. We're made from 'dust'. Its not supernatural, its just the the universe seems not only tuned for life, and seems to reek of design, but it also seems that the laws of the universe were meant to give unconscious matter a consciousness and free will. Which would make sense in a mindless, random universe.

Maybe we aren't better than robots. That remains to be seen. But if you give a robot a consciousness and free will, just like a human, then by its nature its part human.


Not the brain ... the mind. MIND; (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: the processes of the human mind.

The link between mind and matter has never been proven, that's my problem with the brain being the seat of our consciousness, if there even is something like that.

Since we don't agree about whether or not we're even conscious, then its going to be difficult to get anywhere.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."