
After trying the download,....
I cant get it to work properly.

Wed Crashes immediately after launching.

I'll try downloading aging to confirm
it not a bad download.

Ok... I just confirmed that it isn't a bad download
are other users experiencing problems?

Is there some special method to installing this version of

I have a very old version of A5 extra installed to
another directory... ( It works fine)

[Also if I overwrite the Acknex.exe
with the new one for Commercial it works]

[Also installing A5 Demo and re-writing all files
with commercial works]

This rules out a prob with my Computer

* I'm not really expecting any support here
other than a Clean install

I really want to see that A5 comm will run
before I buy the Pro upgrade/downgrade

you allmost have me convinced to spend
the $800 - upgrade/downgrade

Just want a clean install without copying this
pastin/editing this kind of thing.


*** Teutonic Darkness ***