I've recently been designing a game, which I decided to call Angle of Attack. It's obviously an fps, with special attention to recoil. I do plan to include some sci-fi elements in the game, preferably in the 2nd half of the game. I've spent special attention on getting the player movement (can walk, jump, strafe crouch, go prone and navigate terrain).

I know the level looks a bit plain. It is by no means my final result, but feel free to make comments on it. I'm curious to know what you would like to see in it (remember however, that that certain level is set in the Middle East, so I'd like to keep it with the theme it has.

Yes, the crosshair does grow with recoil. I plan to give the beta the opportunity to use different crosshairs, and then decide which one they think is the best.

As you can see, I took these models from the au resource site. I am in serious need of modellers to model weapon models and also the characters.

The numbers in the upper corner are your ammo... I haven't designed an HUD yet. Actual game takes priority

I do plan to release a video, but I need someone to tell me the best software for doing such.

Comments welcome! Especially tips that would help me improve my game.

Hope you enjoy

p.s. I saw another fps that looked similiar. I'm not taking ideas from there... I was doing this before I had knowledge of the other project

Last edited by vartan_s; 06/27/06 15:19.