Lol about the guns. Just so you know, the G36, M4a1, and ak47 are all "heavy" (or auto rife) guns. That means you'll have to drop your current "heavy" gun to pick it up (g to drop).

The mp5 is a smg or "medium" weapon and can be carried separately.

BTW press 4 for "medium" and 3 for "heavy"

I don't know why your machine is crashing. I will try in future demos to give you the option to change your resolutions (mine is video_mode = 8), that could be the problem.

As for the level design... well for now its temporary, I've had a someone contact me about level design (no names!), so we'll have to see how that goes.

As for tutorials... I'll think most likely do Locoweeds tutorial next.