I had a problem with my model going through an invisible wall when it shouldn't have. The same wall with INVISIBLE not checked prevented my model from going through the wall. I will describe the process I went through to figure out why as it may help others in finding other problems that they may come across.

Model used: Raven's spaceship

1. When you change anything in a computer application there is always the possibility of something getting corrupted for one reason or another. I had been working with this level for some time so there was a good chance that something in the level was causing a problem. So with this in mind I removed everything from the level except my model and one prefab.

Result = Wall penetration.

2. I went to the OFFICE level and made a small building invisible. There was always the possibility that I was doing something incorrect.

Result = No wall penetration.

3. I brought the building into my level (Copy & paste).

Result = Wall penetration.

4. Since scripting can change many things in your level I loaded up the FLYLEVEL as it used a similar script as I do. I pasted the building into this level.

Result = No wall penetration.

5. I took the model from this level and substituted it for the model in my level.

Result = No wall penetration.

That told me that maybe the problem is the fault of the model.

6. I scaled the model up 5 times.

Result = No wall penetration.

7. I changed the scale many times to narrow down the point to where the model would and would not penetrate the invisible wall.

At a scale of:

1.091 = Wall penetration.
1.092 = No wall penetration.

The model was 30 quants high at this point and since I did not know what it was about the model I decided to use a primitive cube from MED.
I re-scaled the cube until I found the transition point where the model could and could not penetrate the wall.

Scale factor:

1.667 = Wall penetration.
1.668 = No wall penetration.

Result = The cube was 53 quants on each side.

8. I went back and measured the width of the model in my level and it was also 53 quants wide. So it was the width and not the height of the model that was determining wether or not there was penetration of the invisible wall. I was looking for something that had a relationship to the sizes of the Bounding Box, the Hull size (Fat & narrow) or the Point size listed in the manual (32, 16, 8). I would not call this a bug but an unknown limitation.

There seems to be a fractional point in the 53.xxx quant range where the actual transitional point is located.

This is what I found and it would be a good idea if a few other people could do some testing to see if they come up with the same conclusion. I would suggest first to use the same model that I did (Raven's spaceship) and then use another model of their own as it could actually be something else and not the width that is the determining factor.

Maybe Doug and JCL could give some input regarding what I seem to have found. Then again I could be all wet.
