
// InHalfVec = 2 * texCUBE(NormalizationCubeMapSampler,2 * InHalfVec.xyz - 1) - 1; // doesn't work..

I'm not sure but I think you cant do this kind of texture read in Ps 1_1 .. why not try doing your half vector calculation (2*half-1) in the vertex shader, then just do the normalize and expansion in the pixel shader? In other words, this is a dependent read because you are changing the texture coords in the pixel shader before loading the texture. this can only be done via some specifc instructions in versions lower than 1.4 (i could be wrong, i dont really understand this very well)

Can you post some screens or something showing with and without cubemap normalization? Also post a jpg of your cubemap, it may be set up wrong for A6; i had that problem myself.

Are you mip-mapping your cubemap? that can cause visual errors..

Last edited by Matt_Aufderheide; 08/03/06 22:02.