use instead a third party e-mail provider that allows you to automaticly route/forward the e-mails. the 3rd party host system then scans for purposly uploaded virus/trojens ( sometimes you get these from people that know you reported them, warez users tend to be a major source of such things)

they will sometimes Intentionaly register your e-mail to sites that genarate ALLOT of spam. ( you can then easily drop and create a new 3rd party e-mail address without upsetting your web host. using your web host e-mail for contact with such malitious users can cause so much traffic backlog for a host system over thier network and routers and virus detectiing ( which usualy increase traffic for the host due to automated messages kicked out ) that such a targeted web site they host can be temporarily suspended.

a web site i frequent often is currently down because of the above problem. too much malitious spam junk e-mail was directed to the contact e-mail address which was part of the guys account on that host site.
He is not sure when his host will allow his site back up, if at all.