I would like to thank you on the kind words of encouragement, and its not that I'm new to area, just simply to cheap/poor to fork over the cash for the upgrade to A6 so I simply scoure the forumns for the chance to win things from the Conetic contests (no luck yet), course once all that changes I will be able to use things like normal maps and shaders .

I would also like to enhance your final statement:
It's not magic at all, nor is it a complicated matter, you simply need the knowledge to use what is around you.

You see, once you know how to do something, the task is relatively easy.
(and if not then there are ways to adapt it to make it an easy process, I call this modern day adaption/evolution of mankind).

Bah, I just figured out I'm rambeling again, oh well.

A clever person solves a problem.
A wise person avoids it.

Currently Codeing: Free Lite-C