I already have some textures for cables and pipes, e.g.:

I added a new texture yesterday evening just for cables. Here you can see it at a pipe but you can wrap it around smaller tubes as well:

And I made a circular texture yesterday. This one can make your levels even more interesting. It could be placed for beam transporter platforms, for panels or ending parts of big pipes or whatever:

We will offer 2 packs of the textures. One will contain textures up to 1024 pixels with color, spec and bump in one texture. This kind of textures do not need additional spec and bump maps and can be used in standard games without shader. So you can simply use it in your BSP levels.

The second pack will have textures up to 2048 pixels plus additional spec, bump and normal maps. This one is meant to be used in rendering applications or modern real-time games with shaders. It will have a slightly higher price because of the bigger amount of work that went into it.


Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft