
Is the D3D dll also in the CD folder that was generated..

@ dreadFusemonkey:

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) Have it updated from Microsoft website. Also I did in fact read the manual (the same message as with Sphere 1.1) "You MUST have installed the latest DirectX dll called 'd3d9x_26.dll'. Sphere wil fail without this. If you have downloaded and installed the very latest DirectX update it should be installed already." Therefore I asumed that when you download the update for DirectX, you get the latest right?

I interpreted what Matt says actualy as: "You must 'at least' have installed DirectX dll called 'd3d9x_26.dll'. Sphere wil fail without this. If you have downloaded and installed the very latest DirectX update it should be installed already."

I know it doesn't work, but anyways lets try your hunch by searching my computer for this file. Not found. Hmm perhaps downloading DirectX End-User Runtimes (April 2006) Full Download will help. Ah found 'd3dx9_26.dll' inside Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.cab, let's copy it over to the published folder.

Run the game. Nope same problem as showed on the image in my previous post, where only few object are visible and the background. Little mistake, forgot to put the sphere.dll back into the published folder because previously it would give me a JiT. Ok copied sphere.dll to published folder, now lets run the game.. Argh trows unhandled exception in Sphere_demo_exe again

