I animate in max, and export mesh animation because I want good joint deformation - this works good, but file sizes get huge if you have many frames, and you don't have the flexibility to program in movements. This as well as decals have been standard in games for some time, no?

I place sprites for blood spray, and ornimental graphics, so a decal system would be great.

As far as soft shadows - I am not sure what Sphere doesn't do well, I have adapted my own shaders from forum posts - nor am I 100% on what a conitec solution to soft shadows would be.

I feel Conitec should address some of the issues that have become standard in other games - they are standard in other games for a reason. Gloss is great, but gloss is gloss.

And there is much eye candy to be had with shaders right now.

One last thing on this - who wants more textures? There is tons of great textures to be had on the net:

image after

is one of thousand free texture sites. Besides art development is a huge part of game design - stock textures will get you... well a stock game.

Last edited by slacker; 03/15/07 16:02.