
as an LW user, it shouldn't bother you, does it? what does it bother a blender, c4d, xsi, max, ... user? what's a good animation worth if the model can't be lit properly and can't throw usable shadows?

What does matter that shadows are a more simple part than rework 50-200 Character-Models of a game for us developers? Its a s_h_itt task to rework that amound of models if Gamestudio once get Vertex-Weighting, and it is since longer time a standart in most Games than things like softshadows, which are anyway for many not useable becource the performancebrake. Gamestudio should not get features that come in the last 3 years, it should get that features that are long time here but conitec was not able to integrate it right into Gamestudio. They did bring simple Boneanimation where vertex-Weigted Bones are on most other engines standart-if bringing a "feature" than should it be up-to-date and not like Conitec it does.
So why wishing for new things and not rework the old "errors"?

Its offtopic but thats the same with MED-drop it Conitec, better make for Gamestudio optimized tools to export from REAL modeling packages. MED is a joke, so why waste development time with it-we need this time more in the Engine itself, becource Gamestudio lacks a lot of features. C-Lite-for what was that needed? For sure it was not that strongly needed like other things. Decals for bulletholes or blood on an Characters? Other Engines can do it, when will Gamestudio be able to handle this? Shaders on levelblocks? -Again they did implement something like usage of shaders, but somehow not complete...
And monthly updates would also be a nice "feature", its [censored] to wait what in the next update was how (often bad) implementated-anyway its usualy not the things we could really need.

... but who needs today softshadows, working shaders, vertex-wheigts, decals, better lightining if you can run gamestudio from visual studio with a new scripting language. Maybe A7, for A6 i was waiting for years to get such things and got a bone system in which Charactermodels with above 5000Tris looks more ugly when they move, if you can have VisualStudio compatibility - for what ever...

Last edited by FinalGod; 04/23/07 23:33.