
Really I don't think making playable terrains is that easy. That is, terrains that work well in combination with models/BSP and are playable, realistic and fun. In other words I don't think it is strange he is looking for a terrain modeller. I myself am now busy making terrains in Freeworld for my game and it isn't as easy to translate that what I have in mind to a terrain as I first thought.

Good point, but that's exactly the reason why you want to have full control about how the terrain has been made too. Adapting a terrain afterwards costs way more time. Making an environment, being it terrains or simply bsp levels, are skills you need. You need to have some paint skills I guess (photoshop or whatever program), but the hardest part is actually designing it and making it fit into your game.

I haven't read all the posts, but I am somewhat interested in this. Just let me know by pm if it's still wanted,


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