good that i can read object pascal... uum, i don't see a reason for the fourth parameter, the string. it's not that obvious what it does, and i'm not that much into the http protocol to decipher what it actually does. i think that this gives you the possibility to actually post variables as with the html input fields. the rest seems clear to me since i've once written an asynchronous upload script in phython and php, writing the uploaded form data as-is (the raw multipart upload) in a file. your form field name is 'uploadFile1', so try $_FILE['uploadFile1'].

are you really sure that you have given the filename as relative path to your gamestudio exe?

could you post the return code of the function call? just curious wether the delphi dll throws an error or not.


ps: is it just me or has the coder of this dll an awful coding style?