|| AUM 50 ||

Q: I use your text engine from Morrowing. How can I have a different number of answers to choose from (1, 2, 3, or 4 answers)? Your code works fine, but I can’t have more than 2 answers at once.

Q: How can I show this message in my game: "Hello guardian, who are you?". The message must appear when I click an entity.

Q: How can I find the distance from mouse_ent to the camera?

Q: I have tried to create a dll but I can't use the function inside it; I keep getting this error message: “function not found in dll” although the function is there. What should I do?

Q: How can I have a weapon (in the first person mode) that affects the amount of light in the level?

Q: I'd like to have a weapon that needs to be reloaded after firing 30 bullets, using ammo packs. Can you help?

Q: How can I tell if a certain model exists in the game's folder?

Q: How can I pass an entity and the RGB colors as parameters? I'd like to create several colored entities using the same model.

Q: How can I make it so that when I touch my entity, it gives me this message: "Hi! I am darth vader"?

|| AUM 49 ||

Q: How can I create a main menu that includes a fire effect like in Quake3?

Q: I'd like to have a fly through, as well as a player's camera in my game. Can you help?

Q: Anyone knows how can I resize the in-game view" I have the game running at 1024x768 resolution, but I want to have a panel with a size of 1024x200 at the bottom of the screen and have the game running inside a 1024x568 window.

Q: How can I add several actions to one entity?

Q: I'd like to have entities that react when "space" is pressed, if they are "touched" by the crosshair. How can I do that?

Q: How can I create a sky that uses a sprite and the "cylinder" flag?

Q: I have captured video inside one of my games and I edited it with Windows Movie Maker, adding some cool effects to it. How can I take that file and use it in my game?

Q: Is it possible to make a quiz with A6?

Q: How can I get the closest vertex to the point where I have shot an enemy?

|| AUM 48 ||

Q: I use your split screen shooter from Aum 30. I was wondering how to change the firing rate; the weapon should fire every 1.3 seconds.

Q: What is the easiest method of creating a game like Virtua Cop? I want to use a lightgun so very simply put I need to just be able to "mouse click" on an enemy to kill it.

Q: I use your Star Wars text script and I was wondering how can I load a different level after the text has passed the screen?

Q: I don't like it when all files are in a single folder so I would want something like this.
- scripts
- graphics
- models
I don't want to use absolute paths, because the game can't find the scripts if I move the published game to a different folder. Can you help?

Q: Why does the engine think that my models are at a different place than where I put them in Wed?

Q: How can I attach a fps camera to an entity, say a car for example?

Q: I am having some difficulty clipping my particles in my level; it seems that no matter how I change my script the particles are not clipping.

Q: How can I remove all the entities from a level, even if they don't have an action attached to them?

Q: If my character starts the game facing one way how can I make it so she only walks the way she is facing and can't turn?

|| AUM 47 ||

Q: I use your forest script from Aum12, but I'd like the trees to be placed beside the road. Is this possible?

Q: I'd like to have some particle sparks appear where an object makes contact with the level geometry. Can you help?

Q: Just wondering if you may have a health bar script handy.

Q: I don't know how to trace forward (in player's looking direction). Is it possible to have a code that that is doing this?

Q: How can I create the code for a blurred view effect that doesn't use too many resources?

Q: I can't use "sleep" to count big time intervals because it isn't precise enough. Can I use sys_seconds instead?

Q: How can I create a simple login / password system for my game?

Q: I'd like to have only 3 objects appear randomly in 9 predefined positions. How can I do that?

Q: I'd like to see how my game performs on low end PCs, but I've only got one PC and it is pretty fast. Is there anything I could do about this?

[more to come, just posting this for now in case I mess up]

|| AUM 46 ||

Q: I'd like to have a tv that turns itself on / off depending on how close the player is to it. Can you help?

Q: I haven’t been able to update the intelligent elevator script to work with the later updates of A6. Can you help?

Q: I need to display a picture when the player approaches an invisible object at the end of the game.

Q: I was wondering if you could tell me how to create a star wars lightsaber effect.

Q: I use the starfield code from your "Planet Survivor" series. Is it possible to modify the code so that the starfield is always in front of my spaceship, even if I change its pan and tilt and I move it?

Q: I'd like to be able to go back and forth in my levels, while keeping the initial player pan angle. How can I do that?

Q: How can I create a cylinder of particles?

Q: If I have a panel with 3 buttons, can I hide one or two of them at times and show them again at another time?

Q: Can you show us how to use the mouse wheel in order to zoom in and out smoothly?

|| AUM 45 ||

Q: In Aum 21 the tanks have no gravity and if they are up in the air they will not go down the bottom. I know that this code was written for A5 but I'm trying to get it to work for A6; can you help?

Q: I was wondering if you could show me how to set up a rotating camera? Say you are in a room and you press 's' to start the camera rotating in around 360 degrees and then press 's' to stop it.

Q: I'd need a little jump-pad type code. I've positioned entities throughout the level, and when the character runs on them I'd like him to be thrusted about 30 - 40 scaled feet into the air. I'd also like to have a sound file associated with the trigger.

Q: I want to determine exactly where the bullet hits the entity. How can I get the closest vertex of the model?

Q: I'd like to have a panel that can be closed by clicking a small "X" in the upper right corner. Is this possible?

Q: How can I create a cone of particles?

Q: How can I smoothly fade one view into another?

Q: How can I replace all the "a" characters in a string with "b" characters?

Q: I'd like to be able to create objects (trees) at runtime and place them in front of the player. How can I do that?

|| AUM 44 ||

Q: I am using your security camera from Aum22. How can I scan for entities every second instead of using a random value?

Q: I'm using your security camera (Aum22). What can I do so that whenever the camera scans for entities, a small red light on the camera will be turned on and off?

Q: Can you please modify your force field code from Aum26? If I would set skill3 to 5 in Wed, the field would be on for 5 seconds and off for 5 seconds, and so on.

Q: Can you tell me how can I use health packs for the player from Sword Combat (Aum12)?

Q: How could I create an abyss which would kill the player if it falls into it?

Q: I was wondering if you can attach a sprite to a model and turn it on and off, depending on how close the model is to the camera.

Q: I'd like to have a pulsing crosshair: white cross - red cross - white cross.... Can you help?

Q: How can I create a shootable target that spins when you shoot it?

Q: How can I create a swarm of particles (bees, whatever) that keep rotating around the player?

|| AUM 43 ||

Q: I'd like to be able to rotate the camera around a specific entity (the target) when I press the left and right keys on my keyboard. Up and down should take me closer or farther to the target. Can you help?

Q: How do they do the movement in games like Prince of Persia? The prince is grabbing onto poles and swinging around; how do they make sure that the hands are placed perfectly on the pole every time, even if the distance you jumped from wasn't the same every time?

Q: If I would kick a box, how would I program it so that it moves in the opposite direction without losing its original pan and tilt angles?

Q: I want to create an inventory panel with four guns; the pcx image won't show up until I have picked up the corresponding weapon. Can you help?

Q: How can I create a splash screen that pops up before loading a level and disappears after a key is hit? The code should work for several levels.

Q: In some games, if there is an object that should be picked up or examined, the player will turn its head as you move near the object. How can we do that?

Q: I have a problem scripting the movement of a spacecraft that can go forward and make turns (it's a 2D game). I need the ship to 'slide' in turns, just like a car riding on ice. Can you help?

Q: I use your "intelligent music" snippet from Aum38. How could I assign that action to as many entities as I want without having each of them playing their own instance?

Q: Can you attach a typing sound to inkey somehow or do you have to write a new input function?

|| AUM 42 ||

Q: I'd need the code for a camera that allows you to fly freely in the level, and yet use collision detection. Can you help?

Q: Can you please tell me how can I use my models as a "resource"?

Q: Is there a simple method that would allow me to compute and display the number of frames per second? I can't use the default debugging panel in my game.

Q: I'd like to be able to control 200 different actors for my strategy game but I don't like the idea of defining 200 separate pointers for them. What can I do?

Q: I need to place many trees at certain positions on my terrain and doing that in Wed takes too long. Is there an alternative method?

Q: I'd like to show an "Alert!" panel on the hud whenever one player's enemies can be seen. How can I do that?

Q: Is there a simple method to create a "hot" floor that would decrease player's health?

Q: Would it be possible to turn on the lights that are close to the player automatically and turn them off as soon as the player gets away from them?

Q: How I create a fire ring that follows the player all the time?

|| AUM 41 ||

Q: I use your cutcam.wdl from Aum6 but I'd like to be able to look around while the camera follows the path. Can you help?

Q: I use the 3rd Person movement code from the Aum37's faq. It works great, but I'd like the camera to pan around the player when the mouse is moved to the left or right. Can you help me?

Q: In Aum6 there's a car demo script. How can I remove the damage code to make it invincible?

Q: I started to create a game. When the player changes the level I want to play a cutscene movie, then a level1.wav file, load the second level and then play the level2.wav file. How can I do that?

Q: How can I attach a weapon to the player in 1st person mode if I can't use a "entity" definition?

Q: When we shoot between the enemy legs we will hit the enemy instead of the ground. Can you help, please?

Q: How could I create a splash screen? The player would have to press the "Space" key in order to continue to the game.

Q: I was wondering how I can use the multidimensional arrays in A6.3.

Q: How I can make a part of a house transparent, so that I can see the Soldiers inside it?

|| AUM 40 ||

Q: I'd like to have a dynamic light source that changes its color gently between 2 specified RGB colors. How can I do that?

Q: I have a question about the force field code in AUM 26. Could I shoot the force field to turn it off?

Q: How would I go about writing a code to make a door open vertically kinda like a garage door? Also with some kinda switch to activate the door?

Q: I have a question about your code for Thanks, the tank game from Aum. When I drive forwards I can drive thru all the walls. I use A6 commercial; can you help me?

Q: I'm having some trouble with some particle effects; on startup the engine is showing the error 1517 - no level. After clicking OK, the level is running as expected. Can anyone give me a solution?

Q: I was going through George Pirvu's pathfinding tutorial from Aum. I used the code in Aum31 exactly as it was. If you try to use the code in any level other than the one that was provided with the tutorial, during runtime, you keep getting "invalid array index" errors. Has anyone used the code from that tutorial and made it work for themselves?

Q: I understand that A6 has a limit of 8 dynamic lights at the moment. I was wondering if it would be possible to use more lights by monitoring player's position in the level and removing the lights that are far away from it.

Q: I'm trying to figure out how to get a model of a person to respond to contact like a bruise.

Q: Any pcx file shows the black color (RGB: 0,0,0) transparent. Is this a problem with my computer? How can I fix it?

Q: I have trees, bushes and grass textures. How do I turn them into tga sprites with transparent backgrounds?

|| AUM 39 ||

Q: I liked the "Intelligent music" article from Aum38; how can I make the music change from gentle to tense and back every time I come close to / get away from the entity?

Q: I would need some code for an actor that waits until the player has come close to it and then rotates towards the player, plays a sound and creates 3 entities. Can you help?

Q: I liked your "Editable texts" article from Aum38; I was wondering if I could use that code to display some numbers for my game.

Q: I am using the race script that was developed in Aum. How can we make player's car create sparks when it hits the wall?

Q: I am using the access code from Aum 33; how do I edit the door script to make it open upwards?

Q: I haven't figured out how to make a script file for my models when I use the A5 export from milkshape. Can you help?

Q: I need a script which makes an entity invisible and visible every few seconds. If you shoot the entity and it is visible the player will get some points. Can you please help me?

Q: I need a simple level changing script when I move over an entity and then I want to play a movie file for a cutscene. Can you help me?

Q: I wish to create a game involving combat where 2 people fight each other using swords. It would be neat to be able to show sparks flying when swords meet. Is it possible with the physics engine to get the position of the collision (or some other smarter technique) so I can see which parts of the models collided?

|| AUM 38 ||

Q: How do you get one actor to follow another?

Q: I'm trying to write my own weapons. How can I attach particles to the trace instruction? I don't want the script written for me just an idea.

Q: I have a model of a tree. I want to be able to walk right up to the trunk, but the bounding box won't allow me to do that because of the leaves.

Q: How can I close a gate (as a trap) behind the player if he's walking through a laser beam?

Q: I need some simple level changing code for a project that includes 9 levels. A simple box and a figure that shows the level number will do the job.

Q: I'm making a game and I was wondering know can I insert a movie (avi) file. At a certain point the movie would be triggered.

Q: How would I go about reading the names of planets from a text file into an array, set random x, y and z coords for each planet, save these to a new file, and then load them as the player approaches?

Q: I tried the project from Aum37's faq (moveps2.zip) and I'd like to ask you to make a small change to it: when I turn and want to go in that direction I'd like to push "W" for forward, whatever direction that is.

Q: How can we make big levels with terrains but don't lose performance ?

|| AUM 37 ||

Q: I tried your physics demo from Aum36 but it didn't work with A6.20 commercial. Am I doing something wrong?

Q: I'm trying to use different panels for different views. Let's say that I use panel1 for 1st person view, and then, when I press F7 to the next view (say 3rd person view) it turns off panel1 and changes to panel2. How can I do that?

Q: How can I create an analog clock?

Q: I like your physics code in AUM36, it is quite impressive. I was wondering, though, how you made the movie?

Q: How do I create a ball that picks a random speed and a random direction? And how do I make it bounce off the walls in a random direction?

Q: We use the chopper code aka takeoff.wdl to make our own in-game cut scenes. We are wondering if you can tell us how to make the chopper fly away and return to the game without shutting down the engine.

Q: Can you add the code for speed boost to your AI car demo? When a car collects some item it gets a speed boost for a few seconds.

Q: I use your car AI and when I crash the car into walls, I'd like it to move a bit backwards, like in a real crash.

Q: What I am trying to achieve as far as player movement seems to be a standard movement among most 3rd person games (Maximo, Metal Gear Solid, Rygar, Devil May Cry, etc). When the player pushes forward the character moves forward. When the player pushes back the character turns and moves backwards. The character will rotate and basically move in the direction the player desires. Can anybody help?

Q: In Aum18 there's an inventory workshop; it has a ring which's used to cast a fire that's so great, but the fire doesn't hurt anyone...

|| AUM 36 ||

Q: How can I move just a single row of vertices in a certain direction in Med?

Q: I'd just like to know how I can find out how many guys are touching an entity.

Q: Is it possible to code your full screen flare effect from Aum34's faq in such a way that it will work ok if the pan angle for the sun isn't zero?

Q: I'd like to see some code sample that moves the player like in modern games (WS = forward / back, AD = strafe left / right, mouse rotates the camera view).

Q: I'd like to use your Splinter Cell code from Aum32 with shootable lights. Is this possible?

Q: How can I make the player scan for entities?

Q: How do I get a model to constantly look at the mouse cursor?

Q: Can anyone tell me how can I create a bullet for my 3rd person character?

Q: I use your car scripts as a base for my driving script, but I ran into trouble with handling slopes and aligning the vehicle to slopes. Can you help?

|| AUM 35 ||

Q: How can I display the status of a flag using the instant debugger from Aum25?

Q: I would like to have a much bigger size digits for my Ammo / Health / Armor panel (original digfont.pcx). How can I achieve such a thing?

Q: How can I switch and fade between two cameras?

Q: I have a game over screen that currently fades in and out until the user presses a key. I was wondering if it was possible to dynamically scale the bmap so that it gave the impression of it going from small to big and back again.

Q: Has somebody done any working example playing an avi file on a mdl entity?

Q: How can I make cursor visible on a panel and allow user to enter string in it?

Q: I would like a code to attach to all decorative entities (plants, trees), so that I can place them in Wed and the code will have them move down vertically so that they are on the terrain

Q: How can I make a light move throughout a level? I want the light to follow a certain path.

Q: I want the player to be able to load and save his position during the game. It's a short game, so a simple quick save / quick load would be enough.

|| AUM 34 ||

Q: Could you please show me how to use a first person view camera with your Sword Combat code in Aum12?

Q: I would like to have a looping sound attached to one of the robot-scripts. How can this be done?

Q: How could I implement a panel that will fade in and out depending on the player's pan angle? The panel would simulate a fullscreen flare effect.

Q: I was able to associate the problem I'm having with a .sav file that is created when I run my project. When I delete it, everything works ok. Is there anything I can do to turn this thing off?

Q: Is there anything that would cut off the display of a text object? I mean out of nowhere, it justs stops displaying the string even though there is plenty of room left to display it?

Q: How can you create a panel that only appears under certain conditions? For example a special panel coming up when you reach full health.

Q: I was wondering if there was any way to have my character smoothly go from the final frames of the walk cycle into the first frames of the standing cycle.

Q: Any tips on how to make my game panels have the same size on all resolutions?

Q: I'm wondering what I would do to change the camera from the path it's on to the normal 1st person view.

|| AUM 33 ||

Q: I'm using the stationary-gun code from Aum30. How do I control the weapon with the mouse (not with the arrow keys)?

Q: How could I edit your Perfect AI code? I want the player to come as close to an enemy as he wants; as long as he is hidden in the shadows, they won't see him.

Q: I use your minimap from Aum27, but I'd like it to rotate when the player changes its pan angle. Can you help?

Q: I've just started the code for my player. By default I want to have it playing a "stand" animation; when you press a specific key, I'd like it to play another animation, but only once through the cycle of frames.

Q: I would like to display something like a one way portal that allows the player to teleport to another part of the level. Is it possible?

Q: Could you show me a simple event_trigger example?

Q: Is there any script that corrects position of the pistol if you change camera to 3rd person? The pistol used in A5's templates has a weird position...

Q: I was wondering how you can get your guy to start with a weapon...

Q: I want to output to a text file and am looking for a tabspace character; \t or 'tabspace' do not work, although line feed (\n) works! Help me!

|| AUM 32 ||

Q: How can I pass a parameter to the A6 executable?

Q: I use the splitscreen shooter from Aum30 but the players don't have gravity. Can you help?

Q: I use your timer.wdl from Aum11. How should I modify the code if I want to be able to disable the bomb by clicking it again?

Q: I'd like to have a bomb that starts ticking as soon as the level is loaded and explodes after a specified number of seconds. Can you help me?

Q: How can I add an action to a map entity if I want to be able to change its angles using the four arrow keys?

Q: I'd like to be able to display a long text letter by letter, not all the text at once. Is this possible?

Q: How can I get the names of the entities, as they appear in Wed, at runtime?

Q: How can I have a different crosshair for each weapon please?

Q: In the game World War III you can change the graphics in the options menu and it will tell you after 10 seconds the performance that game would play in. How would I do something like this?

|| AUM 31 ||

Q: I read Aum 26 and really enjoyed the force field code, but I can't figure out how to move the particles up and down, just like the lift in the office level.

Q: One of the codes that I like most is John Wayne from Aum 9. How can I make the weapons bob?

Q: Trying to set up a simple fire effect for torches is beyond my comprehension. Can you help?

Q: Can I have a simple health pack code, please?

Q: In your Shoot 3rd project (Aum14), after enemy's death, the player and the bullet can move through the corpse easily. I want to do the same thing in my project, but it isn't working, even after setting "passable" for my enemies in Wed! What I am doing wrong?

Q: My game uses several wad files. I'd like to have a single wad file that contains all the textures used in my game; if it possible to do that without extracting the textures manually?

Q: I have built two sky spheres for my level. I'd like to be able to control their rotation speed and transparency under "Properties" in Wed.

Q: I can't seem to get "exec" to work; can you show me an example?

Q: I like the sword combat code in AUM12 but I'm having a hard time making it first person. I've altered the camera so that it rests inside the player but when you attack the model lunges forward and you can see it.

Q: I have an animated sprite of an explosion, but I need it to cycle thru the animations slower... how do i do this?

|| AUM 30 ||

Q: I made a terrain in med, but my model will only move about 1/2 way across it and either stop or act like it is against a wall or something.

Q: How do I make good textures without borders?

Q: I know that you can change the values of color depth and the video resolution using " video_switch ", but how can I restore the initials values of the system?

Q: How can I create a level block that has a specified size in quants, for example 20 x 30 x 40?

Q: Could you please give me a draw_textmode example?

Q: I have a skysphere model that follows the player around as he walks. Since the sphere is smaller than the level, the player can't see objects that are farther away than the edge of the skysphere model. Will this allow the computer to run faster, or is everything outside of the skysphere still rendered?

Q: Is it possible to have one model react to fog #1 and another model react to fog#2?

Q: How do you make the player move to the next level when he has accomplished all the mission objectives?

Q: How can I activate something with several triggers? Let's say I want to open a door and the first button needs to be off, the second button on, and the third button off to open the door.

|| AUM 29 ||

Q: I'm using the sword combat wdl in Aum12 and I need help adding gravity to the player and enemy. Please help!

Q: How can I set the strength of the fog in my levels? I use camera.fog = 1..100 but I get the same effect.

Q: Can someone please explain how to make a movement similar to Counterstrike. As in normal walking is running and shift halves the speed. I'm using the templates.

Q: I'm trying to program a block where you step on it and a door opens, but I don't want to handcode each door, so for each block I just want it to point to a door so I can open it and give it a generic function. Is this possible?

Q: I have a gun and I can walk. If I fire a bullet I walk very slowly. Is this normal?

Q: How can I play AVIs on a sprite?

Q: Can anyone please tell me how to replace the sprite used by the rocket launcher with particles?

Q: Is there a way to change patrol_path so that it uses a 3D path?

Q: I've seen people do some really incredible terrain with lod and grass etc. Just wondering if someone has the patience to share a clue with me.


Last edited by PHeMoX; 11/15/06 12:31.

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